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Charles/Charlie Bruner (AKA Chief Rolling Cloud)

Birth name: Charles Eberle Bruner

1897 - 1973

(Courtesy of Ken Jones)

L-to-R are George Sky Eagle, Chief Many Treaties, Chief Yowlachie, Charles Bruner, J. W. 'Joe' Cody, Iron Eyes Cody, and Chris Willow Bird in KING OF THE STALLIONS (Monogram, 1942). In the film, they're sitting on a corral fence and cheering hero Ric Vallin as he attempts to break and tame a wild black stallion.

The Social Security Death Index (SSDI) has a record for Charles Bruner, born January 1, 1897, and he passed away September, 1973 in Westminster, Orange County, California. had the Oklahoma and Indian Territory, U.S., Dawes Census Cards for Five Civilized Tribes, 1898 - 1914 and Land Allotment Jackets for Five Civilized Tribes, 1884 - 1934. Has Charles Eberle Bruner as the son of Miller and Lucy Bruner. He's roll number 2160 and "Creek by Blood".

  Although some of the data is incomplete or inaccurate, the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) notes that Charles/Charlie Bruner (AKA Chief Rolling Cloud) was a "Dawes-enrolled, full-blood Creek Indian, born in the Creek Nation, Indian Territory":

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